Racism on the Blockchain (Part 1)

9 min readJul 6, 2020

This is a swastika, The swastika was stolen and manipulated to be used as an international logo representing fascism. The new nazi swastika has been recognized as the original by many and when I share this original version from ancient India, I am often confronted, by my fam and friends in white skin who tell me that, ‘this is racist’. First of all, do not ever tell me what is racist to me or what shouldn’t feel like racism to me. I would never listen to a woman tell me that she felt sexism from ‘rob’, but I disagree because I never felt sexism from rob, so rob is not sexist, and she is ‘inciting controversy’. I would never do that, Because I am a ‘man’ and I won’t feel sexism like a woman does. We could be in the same room, in the same situation, dealing with the same person and I can leave feeling untouched while the woman beside me felt sexism. As an ally, I would instead listen to her speak and strive to step in her shoes, when I realize there will always be a few inches in that shoe that I will NEVER fit into, I must remain an ally, I must not speak for her, but with her, I must not tell her when she feels systemic sexism, I would listen to her, I would not ask her to justify her frustrations to me or a group of men who just don’t understand… That is what I was told to do, to justify the racism I felt on Discord and in the Cryptovoxels discord page. I thought about it and decided, naw, fuck that. If someone is offended in 2020 when the systemic issues are in the forefront, too bad. If someone doesn’t understand after I explain with my words, then they can web search the rest of the answers they are seeking. I am tired. I will not be quiet when I see white men with military apparel and automatic rifles walk into government spaces be let off with the words that ‘they are just practising their rights’ while in the same breath, I hear how people should get off the streets and stop complaining about racism. DO NOT TELL ME YOU DON’T SEE COLOR, that is the stupidest thing I have heard and I have zero patience for your ignorance. In this space, the Blockchain, where things are decentralized, we have autonomy.. However we must remember that Class and race play a big part in accessing this space. The computer, the electricity and the internet services are not as accessible to many people in this world. We need to address that. We have people behind avatars, which is cool, but once I show my brown face I start receiving threats and get ZERO support form Discord or the CV mods on discord. Instead, I am the one criminalized. This story runs parallel to racism me and my people have lived through for our entire lives. I am tired. When it comes to this space, I cannot give anyone a further explanation, silence is violence and as far as I am concerned, everyone who did not speak about racism they see is just as guilty as the racist themselves. It’s 2020, and I am going to sugar coat nothing!

I am being told by a group of white people on a thread that I must come back and discuss this on their terms in their forum.. uhhh no. I keep seeing that mod devil.eth stating over and over that I attacked people with racial slurs, that is a lie, blatant lie. All I said was, “so ya’ll think that calling me a Black Piece of shit sholdnt be offensive? I bet yall the type to get offended when I say the words White Privilige/” this mod, came on and tagged me to say “This is the last warning, you will be muted if you ‘incite controversy’. I was going to write a statement, however at this point I am still seeing the people on the server justify the racism while devil.eth keeps liying and saying he muted me because of racial slurs by me lol, which is a lie. We all seen that he doesn’t ban people when they use racial slurs against black people. I was going to leave a statement, but no. I am not going to pander to a bunch of people who have zero anti-oppression training and type without any understanding regarding systemic racism. As a matter of fact, a few moments ago when i looked on the server, devil.eth is still stating that he will not ‘bow’ to my demands? what is wrong with people… in that case, I will not bow to my oppressors and give them a statement to make them feel better, fuck how they feel.

So my goals withing this space form now on will remain as they were when I first entered the blockchain, which is to contribute to a community that works beyond the oppressive banking system. The only difference will be the fact that I will be pro-active in recruiting more POC into this space.

Incident timeline:

Bought dcl parcel for 1 eth on opensea, through ‘vladimirputin’ on discordI am the type of guy to build with people, so I offered him 15% of all income I may make from the DCL parcel in the future. Just because I was excited that I got a 1.2 parcel for 1eth.

1 day later VLADIMIR dms me, asks about my build, I let him know I am planning on executing some events we have planned for CV and then proceed to build on DCL when the time clears to embark on future DCL events.

2 days later, Vladimir messages me, I tell him same thing

3 days later, Vladimir messages, I tell him the same thing

4 days later, Vladimir messages me, I tell him that I do not work for him, this was a gesture from me, please leave me alone and when I have an event I will follow through on my word (ask the international artists I worked with, never ripped 1 person off, I give)

Vladimirputin starts tagging me on every discord server, warning people about me being a cheater. I go back and forth with him in his dms and tell him to stop.

He tells me he will stop once he gets the Parcel back.

I tell him, go on those pages and tag me and state it was a misunderstanding and I will send him the parcel back

Mind you, technically, I bought the parcel, I have zero reason to give it back.

When someone shows me they are this irrational, why would I believe them? I could not trust they would rectify the cheater lie they threw on my name on these serversI tell him, I will not give him the parcel back until he does clear my name. I showed him that I publicly stated that on the message board so its on record. He literally calls me the N word and deletes it before I get the screen shotI place the parcel for sale for 1.8 and message Vladimir, I tell him “hey nazi, the parcel is on sale, you tag me on these servers and rectify the issue and I will send you the parcel for 1 eth instead’

He tells me he won’t, during the same time, my parcel sells.

He now keeps tagging me for weeks

I message discord, report him, they do not even respond

I wake up 24 hours after reporting him and see that my account was reported for threats, yes after he called me the N word I told him I would fuck him up and I would

I block him, and strive to move on and keep creating for the community as a whole. Trust me, we are working hard for this space and what we contribute will make a positive impact. So I try to stay focussed. Weeks later, this guy PACHO is in my discord dms and wants me to build a parcel, I tell him I am not an expert but can do a basic build, he asks a price, I give him a fee, he says he will think about it. great convo at this point by the way2 days later he messages me, he says “I will not work with you because I read in another page that you are a cheater” (I don’t know how someone can cheat by buying a parcel on the blockchain with a contract?)

I respond with the basic message “leave me alone” (screen shot below) — he immediately responds with “you black piece of shit”I got upset. I take a screenshot this time and I message the admins and post the screen shot in the DMS and on the CV server.At this point, I was told by devil.eth in the public forum, that he has never banned anyone and believes everyone deserves a chance to learn. Kind of token, but cool I say.

I message the discord team and report his racist comment, they do not respond.

24 hours later, my account is banned on discord, yet they do not respond about the racism complaint I sent in? Sounds like amerikkka

I get on the CV page with a new account I created, I see PACHO as the latest post.. Selling parcels and people buying parcels. Got me pissed, what kind of bias is this?

I start talking on the page and people start telling me that black is an adjective and I shouldn’t be offended, his friends who are white say they have never felt racism from him (if you don’t see how stupid this is, then I am too tired to explain)

I go back and forth using my educated words, people got offended because my words are truthful (not sugar coated) yet they were mad that I was offended, sound familiar?

I then see a post by devil.eth who is the co-founder of tokensmart, I hope token smart cleans up their office of this racial mess.

Devil.eth comes on the thread and writes ‘@myname, you are being warned, one more time you ‘incite controversy’ you will be muted.’ (For real? Inciting controversy? What is that, the equivalent to a police officers ‘probable cause’ excuse?)

I was pissed, I spoke louder and told him that he wouldn’t ban the man with racist remarks but me speaking about racism is inciting controversy?

right away other ignorant users chimed in and said I was ‘provocative’ so I should be muted.

This is decentralized?? Being muted by a mob of white users who have no clue or right to tell me what I should feel when it comes to race.

I get banned by Devil.eth for being a coloured person and standing up for myself

On Twitter I try to plea my case and devil.eth keeps lying about how he banned me because I used racial slurs. This is a lie, he has yet to provide any proof, yet the proof I provided about the racial slurs against black people was brushed away as ‘stop complaining’

Many users on there have had this attitude and it shows me the true demographics of this space, I vow to bring more people of color into this space and make the metaverse a greater space for all of us.

If there are any coders that would like to help a POC metaverse project, please contact me on twitter at @KingMizoMadeIt

So this is it, I should not even have to write this… especially to pander to a group of people who will never understand racism. I wish it were different, but these actions happened to be my breaking point.. After 20 plus years of daily racism, I had enough. I am done. No time to send any statements into a space judged by white males who keep lying about me. I know when to reason and when to cut off..

The proactive thing to do would be to get rid of PACHO’s account (don’t know why he still has not been muted) The other proactive thing to do would be to fire DEVIL.ETH as a mod and hire more POC as mods. (Speaking to Cryptovoxels and any other blockchain company that relies on him to moderate)

Seriously, while this happened, most of you watched, seriously, do better.

I have many more screenshot, however I am going to wash my hands, raise my middle finger and keep shit moving. That’s just my 2 Cents.




Visionary, lover and educator. Activist because I have to live